Violin Technique Secrets
Our top priority in our musical instruction is to harness the composer's intention and style through proper musical expression.
We value the importance of proper classical violin training, which includes the understanding and mastering of essential technical skills.
In the following video example, you can see the technique of shifting from one playing position to another, simply and professionally explained by our violin instructor.
Using the Russian Violin Method, we support our students in understanding and utilizing such fundamental techniques, which gives them limitless potential to their playing and sound.
Violin Shifting Technique
Student Audition Training and Scholarships
With over 40 years of extensive audition training experience, our violin instructor has worked with students to achieve their goals and surpass their musical expectations.
Our violin program is proud to have our students be among those accepted to American Heritage School on full scholarships, All-State Orchestra, All-County Orchestra, and other youth orchestras in South Florida. For the past two years, our program was represented by three students in the High School Florida All-State Orchestra.
Equipped with our professional audition insider knowledge, students will be trained in proper playing techniques and strategies. We provide our students with the confidence and discipline that they use when working towards their musical dreams.